Sunday, February 5, 2012

Life is happening...

Well it has been forever since I started writing here and I suck. Lol. Thanksgiving and Christmas were wonderful but we really missed our "Mimi" and "Bubba" the kids grandparents! :/ It just didn't feel like Christmas really, there was no snow and no Mimi and Bubba :( This whole winter has been a bust, the weather has been weird with not much snow and unseasonably warm so we are all just in a funk! Cannot wait for spring! we are ready to get outside and go for walks and eat ice cream :)

Monday, October 31, 2011

This is Halloween!

I'm so excited :) I LOVE Halloween, Jaron is working so its just me and the kiddies :). I am going to take them down our block for trick-or-treating and possibly to my parents neighborhood also :) we are going to carv our pumpkins today and set them outside and bake the seeds yum! Bayani is dressing as a robot and he is in love with the costume, he has been wearing everyday for over a week haha! Camille will be the dragon that her big brother was last year and it is soOo stinkin cute! To be honest I cannot wait to get my hands on the kids candy, I am in a huge chocolate kick so this is going to be awesome! I am totally convinced that nursing cravings are waay worse than pregnancy cravings, I get so annoyed if I don't get my chocolate! It seems like perfect weather for trick-or-treating today, let's hope it doesn't rain! Nice and cool and cloudy :) ok stay tuned for pictures later!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

First Blog!

So, I am sitting here nursing my 9 month old and it dawned on me! Time to start blogging! I have been wanting to for a while but just never got around to it. I guess I will introduce myself and my family :). I'm Nicole and I am a 24 year old dolled up momma of 2! Bayani is 2 1/2 and Camille is 9 months old. Jaron (daddy) is 25 :) as of right now we live in Michigan and have mostly loved it, big changes are coming though and we will hopefully end up moving! Exciting :). I guess I will start this blog with "a day in the life" type of deal, with the cold weather setting in I am already dreading what life will become for a little while LOL, we are a very active family and love to be outside! Lake Erie, parks, bike riding, going for walks, beaches, picnics etc we love to be outdoors :) winters are fairly brutal in the mitten so we can't really be outside TOO much, the kids are big enough this year though for sledding and snowball fights so that should be fun! I plan on using this blog to update about our family and also anything that tickles my fancy :) such things include Makeup! Hair! Fashion! Cloth diapers! Breastfeeding! APing! Mommying! Food! Booze! Glitter! Crafts! Scrapbooking! Fabric! And so much more!